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Nowa książka w realiach Diablo

Nowa książka w realiach Diablo

Data opublikowania: 07.10.2006, 08:14
Blizzard poinformował o nowej książce w realiach świata Diablo - Diablo: The Sin War: Book One: Birthright. Piąta już książka z serii Diablo opowiada o wojnach pomiędzy aniołami z Wysokich Niebios a legionami z Płonących Piekieł, wojna ta przenosi się do świata Sanktuarium - świata ludzi.
Trzy pierwsze części możecie zobaczyć i kupić w Strefowej bibliotece.
Czekamy na polską wersję :)
The world was young, then, and only a few knew it as Sanctuary or knew that not only did angels and demons exist, but some of them had caused Sanctuary to be in the first place. The names Inarius, Diablo, Rathma, Mephisto, and Baal -- to name a powerful and often dread few -- had not yet been whispered on mortal lips.

In this simpler time, ignorant of the eternal battle between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, people struggled and prospered, lived and died. They could not know that even then, the eyes of both immortal sides would soon covet their potential and thus begin a conflict that would spill over into the centuries to come.

And, of all those most terribly ignorant of Sanctuary's awful destiny, Uldyssian Ul-Diomed -- Uldyssian, son of Diomedes -- could be said to have been the most blind. Blind, though he would be himself at the center of what scholars of the world's secret history would come to call the Sin War.

It was not a war in the sense of men-at-arms -- though there were those, too -- but rather a trying, a testing and taking, of souls. A war that would forever eradicate the innocence of Sanctuary and those inhabiting it, changing all, even those not aware.

A war that was both won... and lost...

From the Books of Kalan,
First Tome, Second Leaf

Fragment pochodzi z strony


Strefa RPG, 18.10.2006, 11:31
czytalem taki sobie
Midvith, 19.10.2006, 19:08
Ciekawe, skoro jeszcze raczej po polsku nie ma.

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