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Zapowiedź @ Games Radar

Zapowiedź @ Games Radar

Data opublikowania: 19.06.2006, 11:48
W serwisie Games Radar ukazała się nowa zapowiedź nadchodzącego hitu - Wiedźmina. Poniżej fragment a więcej w rozwinięciu.

Last month at E3, we took an early look at The Witcher, a title that stabs the role-playing genre right in its evil, exposed jugular - crappy writing.
Based on the epic and beloved writings of Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher possesses a deep, sweeping fantasy backstory of ancient prophecy, monstrous invasion and a mysterious order.

The central focus of Sapowski's books is the anti-hero Geralt, a white-haired mutant called a witcher, trained from birth to fight all manner of monsters and beasts. He is a killing machine without equal, devoid of sentimentality.

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