Data opublikowania: 23.07.2006, 09:30 Tagi:
Oficjalny plugin do Obliviona pt. The Vile Lair został wydany w czwartek. Serwis Gamehelper zamieścił na swojej stronie krótki opis tego pluginu. Więcej w rozwinięciu.
Like the Thieves’ Den and the Wizard’s Tower, the new Vile Lair plug-in is a dwelling meant to make a particular type of character feel right at home. While the Theives’ Den favored the sneaky and the Wizard’s Tower was meant for magic users, the Vile Lair is intended for the darker, meaner sort of character, offering a safe haven to would-be necromancers, assassins, and vampires. Set in a system of underwater caves, the Lair is absolutely enormous, and lower level characters be warned: it’s extremely expensive to decorate. Players who aren’t choosy about how they come by their cash should probably start with the Minion’s Quarters first. Your blank-faced and extremely creepy minion will happily head out into the world at your command, slay an unwary victim, rob them of their valuables, and bring the booty on home to you. Sure, it’s blood money, but morals are for people who can afford them, right?