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Zapowiedź multiplayera

Zapowiedź multiplayera

Data opublikowania: 18.07.2006, 11:34
Serwis GamesRadar opublikował zapowiedź trybu multiplayer w nadchodzącej grze pt. Dark Messiah of MIght & Magic. Fragment jak i link do całości znajdziecie w rozwinięciu.
Forcing Dark Messiah of Might and Magic's single-player story and gameplay into a single, distinct genre is just about impossible. But pegging Dark Messiah's multiplayer Crusade mode as sharply influenced by the iconic Battlefield series, and finding the fingerprints of the seminal Team Fortress all over its deep gameplay is clearly right on the money.

OK, so it's got a magical (and mighty) twist, but this is class-based team multiplayer at its core - and dare we say - at its finest. We got a chance to play on two of the levels during a bloody hands-on session that unveiled the answers to all of our questions about the up-till-now mysterious multiplayer.



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