Data opublikowania: 14.07.2006, 10:54 Tagi:
G4TV opublikowała nową recenzję TItan Quest'a. Gra otrzymała ocenę 4/5, w rozwinięciu znajdziecie fragment zapowiedzi i link do całośći.
If you’re waiting for me to tell you Titan Quest does anything particularly unique, well, go read that part at the beginning about Diablo again. On the other hand, Diablo 2 looks absolutely butt-ugly compared to Titan Quest, which yields some of the best looking top-down 3D vistas to date. Multi-source soft-shadows, high-dynamic range lighting (or bloom effects that look just as good), foliage that rustles as you stride through it—we’re not talking Pixar quality or anything, but definitely a step up from Dungeon Siege 2. That said, you’d best have a beastly rig to run with bells and whistles on full or when the screen plugs up with enemies.