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Wywiad Two Worlds

Wywiad Two Worlds

Data opublikowania: 21.06.2006, 10:05
GlobalGameReport opublikował wywiad z Mirosławem Dymkiem z Reality Pump's dotyczący nadchodzącej gry Two Worlds. W rozwinięciu znajdziecie fragment wywiadu.
GGP: Talking about "roses"... (smile) - is it only possible to level up by fighting, or will there be quests, that demand careful behaviour like stealth or using your brain to be succesfull ?

MD: Normally the quests in TwoWorlds will not be limited to only one possible solution, quite the reverse. We try to give the players as much space for acting and exploring as possible. The task and the goal are predefined, that´s clear, but how the player reaches the goal is totally up to him. Deceit, murder, flattery - nearly all is possible. On this way a simple quest can change to a whole campaign. For example, if the player needs a specific item, that is stored at a specific place, he has to find this location first. In the next step he has to make himself familiar with the people inhabiting this place to decide, how he has to act to get the wished item at the end.

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