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Recenzja Titan Quest'a

Recenzja Titan Quest'a

Data opublikowania: 02.07.2006, 11:40
W serwisie Computer and Video Games pojawiła się recenzja Titan Quest'a. Gra dostała ocene 8.1/10, więcej w rozwinięciu.
Developers Iron Lore - whose head Brian Sullivan was also the brains behind Age Of Empires - have tried to create a top-down clickfest of epic proportions, unburdened by the likes of party management, confusing class and skill systems, complex storytelling and, well, anything else that interferes too much with the real business of destroying evil beasties.

Want an example? Take the first thing you do in the game: create a character. While most RPGs ask you to choose a race, class, skill-set, some stats and perhaps even model yourself a face, all Titan Quest asks is that you choose a man or a woman and a colour for his or her tunic. That's it. No need to pick out hair dye and choose whether or not they keep their nails in good condition - you decide if you want your character to have breasts or not and five seconds later you're in, looking down at your character standing in some ancient Greek countryside.

Więcej tutaj.


Strefa RPG, 04.07.2006, 13:11
Teraz tylko czekać na spolszczenie.
Strefa RPG, 02.08.2006, 07:47
Bardzo śmieszne.Czemu na polskiej stronie umieszczacie recenzje po ang.? Sami sobie czytajcie takie recenzje my(gracze)znajdziemy inne lepsze strony Zamiast pomagac utrudniacie :P

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