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Patch 1.01 do Dark Messiah

Patch 1.01 do Dark Messiah

Data opublikowania: 09.11.2006, 11:15
Wczoraj wyszedł najnowszy patch do Dark Messiah of Might & Magic oznaczony numerem 1.01. Listę zmian jakie ów patch wprowadza znajdziecie tutaj. Notka z oficjalnej strony wraz z linkami do downloadu w rozwinięciu.
It's finally here the patch you have all been waiting for! The single player Dark Messiah patch is here and ready for you to download! Check out the download links below: More mirror links and a Steam download option should be out soon.

Finally, please note that there's still an issue with high settings. The devs are working to fix it and hope to have it fixed soon. In the meantime, if you still have crash problems after using the patch, please lower your settings to improve performance. A future patch will address this issue.


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