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Dużo nowości

Dużo nowości

Data opublikowania: 12.07.2006, 09:58
Dzisiaj w nocy w serwisie IGN pojawiło się troche nowych materiałów związanych z nadchodzącym Dark Messiahem. osiem gameplayów z gry i nowa zapowiedź z paroma nowymi screenami. Więcej w rozwinięciu.
We're pretty pleased with how the single-player action is heading right now. It's pretty difficult to create a really satisfying first-person melee combat experience but Arkane certainly seems to have their heads on straight. If they manage to use the point of view to their advantage enough with animations like the Cyclops picking us up and screaming in our faces (also in the video section), it could definitely be an awesome ride

- Filmy
- Zapowiedź


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