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World of Warcraft wywiad na

World of Warcraft wywiad na

Data opublikowania: 17.02.2007, 17:01
Redaktor naczelny WarCry'owej sekcji WoW, przeprowadził wywiad z Tom Chilton (Głównym Projektantem World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade). Obszerny wywiad daje odpowiedzi na wiele ważnych pytań, między innymi jedno z nich przeczytać w rozwinięciu. Cały wywiad przeczytacie tutaj.

WarCry: What will The Burning Crusade change about the game for those who do not purchase it?

Tom Chilton: Players who don't purchase The Burning Crusade will still be able to interact with the players who do, including those Burning Crusade players who have created one of the two new races. Also, non-Burning Crusade players will be able to buy new items made via jewelcrafting or from other players selling items found in Outland. New talents, spells, and abilities were also added for everyone, and each talent tree now goes as deep as 41 talent points. And of course, all of the content that players were able to access prior to the release of The Burning Crusade is still available to them.


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