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Wieści o patchu 1.03 do NWN2

Wieści o patchu 1.03 do NWN2

Data opublikowania: 20.11.2006, 16:57
Darren Monahan - producent Neverwinter Nights 2 napisał na oficjalnym forum gry posta w którym porusza temat zmian jakie nastąpią w nadchodzącym patchu. Fragment i link do całości w rozwinięciu.
Hello everyone,
I wanted to give you guys a few updates on things going on here at Obsidian:
Patch 1.03 News: First off, we're hard at work putting the finishing touches on the v1.03 patch. This is a big patch in terms of bug fixes, optimizations, and additional features such as the return of database support, and more DM Client additions. We're going to release a public 1.03 BETA this coming week (of course including a revert patch), and then wrap up the public 1.03 release early the following week. In my next post below is a preview of what's coming in the patch.

Całość przeczytacie tutaj.


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