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Wywiad z Kai Rosenkrantz

Wywiad z Kai Rosenkrantz

Data opublikowania: 10.10.2006, 07:22
Na oficjalnej stronie Gothica 3 pojawił się wywiad z Kai Rosenkrantz dotyczący sountracka gry. Więcej w rozwinięciu newsa.
When you began to compose the music for Gothic 3, what were your goals?

I had three major goals. First I wanted to maintain the musical atmosphere I had established in the previous games of the series and make the music sound familiar and refreshingly innovative at the same time. Secondly I wanted to create a score that can take on big-time Hollywood soundtracks any time in terms of the emotional impact and the mere recording quality. Thirdly I wanted to blend the orchestral quality with the game’s interactive gaming experience. This means that the music changes according to the player’s actions without any audible transitions even though it was a linear orchestra recording in the first place.



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