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Wywiad z Blaine Christine nt. Gothic 3

Wywiad z Blaine Christine nt. Gothic 3

Data opublikowania: 12.11.2006, 08:10
Na amerykańskiej oficjalnej stronie Gothica 3 zamieszczony został wywiad z Blaine Christine. Dotyczy on przede wszystkim różnic pomiędzy wersją gry wydaną w USA a tą z Europy. W rozwinięciu znajdziecie fragment i link do całości.

Gothic 3 has been out in Europe for almost a month now. Now that the game is finally coming to North America, are gamers over here going to get something different than their European counterparts when they pick up a copy at the store?

Well first off, we just want to be clear that there is only one version of Gothic 3 worldwide. The core gameplay, graphics, etc. are the same whether you bought the game in Germany last month or will be purchasing it this month in the U.S. And, obviously, the North American version will have English text and great voice over recorded this past summer.

Some great news for the patient North American fans though. The extra time has allowed us to implement all of the fixes and changes that are included in the first two European patches. When you buy the North American version of Gothic 3, just load up and play.

So what kind of fixes and changes are we talking about?

Developer Piranha Bytes has made many improvements since the game first shipped in Europe. Melee combat with creatures has been tweaked so that wild boars will no longer dispatch the hero with ease and go on to ravage entire villages. For the spellcasters out there, many of the spells now scale in damage in relation to the Arcane Knowledge attribute, making spells such as Fireball useful all the way to the end of the game for extended face melting pleasure. These tweaks also make it easier to focus on magic even earlier in the game. Additionally, there have been many fixes to resolve minor issues found with some of the quests and game endings to ensure that players are properly rewarded for their efforts.

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Strefa RPG, 13.11.2006, 12:37
to fajna gra
Strefa RPG, 13.11.2006, 12:38
to nie gra tylko jakies mydlo

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