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Wywiad dot. Silverfalla @ Gamezone

Wywiad dot. Silverfalla @ Gamezone

Data opublikowania: 08.02.2007, 21:43
Serwis Gamezone opublikował wywiad z Jehanne Rousseau jednym z twórców gry Silverfall. Oprócz tekstu znajduje się w nim także kilka screenów z gry. W rozwinięciu fragment i link do całości.
Question: What do you consider to be the prime ingredients of a good RPG and how does Silverfall fit those parameters?

Jehanne: Silverfall is above all a hack-and-slash game, which includes a heavy dose of action, a complex progression system, and as usual, numerous items to collect during the game. With these elements, we did all that we could to stick to the genre, while also going a little beyond the usual since we further developed a progression system which is based on skills and not classes. But with this balanced and fun combination, we also added elements from more story-driven RPGs, such as the companions, numerous side quests, and the choice between nature and technology, so that the universe would be the most coherent, the storyline as complex as possible, and the game experience the most immersive.

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