Diarmid Clarke: The story takes place in the ancient, mysterious world of the Jade Empire and you play a powerful martial arts master with mystical powers. When sinister events threaten the land, you travel across the world to face both human and supernatural foes, learn exotic and magical martial arts, and discover the darkest secrets of the world, and of your own past.
Shack: What are "chi" and "focus"?
Diarmid Clarke: Your chi is like a magic power you can draw on to do cool things like "chi strikes" that do more damage, or you can use your chi to heal yourself. Focus is used when you enter "Focus Mode," which slows your enemies down while you continue attacking them in real time. Chi and focus are both very powerful abilities that you'll need to use to survive the game, but they do drain as you use them, so you have to be smart about when to use them.
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