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Natura a Technologia - zapowiedź Silverfall

Natura a Technologia - zapowiedź Silverfall

Data opublikowania: 17.02.2007, 17:08
Na stronie można przeczytać zapowiedź gry Silverfall. Gra ma łączyć ze sobą świat magii i techniki, to gracz zdecyduje, która z dróg wybierze, ponieważ każda daje spore możliwości, ale posiada również wady. ów zapowiedź świetnie prezentuje z czym będziemy mieli do czynienia w Silverfall. Zapowiedź przeczytacie tutaj, a w rozwinięciu fragment.
Because there is both nature and technology, players can choose the path they wish to pursue. This will have a bearing on the way the game plays out. Choose technology and you will have access to items like guns. Stay the path of nature and you will feel a tiny bit cleaner about the whole process.

The skills are divided into a couple of groups, though there are three icons; there is ranged, melee and magic. The magic is divided into elemental and shadow. As you level, you can move attribute points around and specialize in certain skills. How you invest your points is paramount to your success in this game – which is dependent on the type of character you are playing.

For those that remember the carefree days of a game like the original Asheron’s Call, where you could basically create your own class, you will immediately recognize the freedom that Silverfall allows.


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