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FAQ o Guild Wars 2

FAQ o Guild Wars 2

Data opublikowania: 30.06.2008, 03:20
Na oficjalnej stronie Guild Wars zostało opublikowane krótkie FAQ na temat drugiej odsłony gry. Można w nim wyczytać między innymi, że GW2 nie będzie posiadał opłaty abonamentowej (co już było wiadome wcześniej). Ponadto twórcy zapowiadają, że beta testy gry raczej nie rozpoczną się w 2008 roku, choć pracę nad grą idą pełną parą. Więcej informacji oraz pełne FAQ znajdziecie tutaj.
Will Guild Wars 2 have non-human playable races?

Absolutely! In addition to humans, players will be able to create, customize, and play asura, charr, norn, and sylvari characters.
* The conquerors of Ascalon, the charr are ferocious, warmongering creatures—the intractable foes of humanity. Now, as greater dangers threaten their conquests, the charr legions marshal their war machines to meet their enemies with deadly force.
* The norn are half-giant brawlers from the frigid northern lands who can shapeshift into mighty bestial forms. They've been driven from their homeland by a force beyond reckon, and now regroup among the lost dwarven ruins of the Shiverpeaks.
* The asura, who once ruled the caves and tunnels below Tyria, are an advanced race of small stature and large intellect. Having emerged from the depths, the asura aim to rule the surface world with their powerful golems and razor-sharp wit.
* Not much is known of the sylvari, save that they are a race of sentient plant-beings, newly blossomed into the world. They are the youngest of the races, and are bound together by a common dream.


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