For instance, during the demonstration of the game we were shown an encounter between Geralt and a bandit that he had captured. The bandit, of course, claimed to be an innocent bystander caught up in something he wasn’t involved in. You will be given numerous options on how to deal with him through a conversation tree. One of those options is to believe him and release him. Besides, he has offered to tell you the names of the leaders of the bandits that he overheard. After choosing to release him the system cut to a logic tree (which does not show in the actual game) that showed all the options and their consequences. Choosing to release the guy does give you the information that you need to successfully hunt down the bandit leaders and deal with them. This will be a great boon for the surrounding countryside as you will be removing a deadly scourge from the land and in the long run saving lots of lives. The down side to this choice is that he runs off to tell the bandit leaders that he squealed on them. They set an ambush for you and, instead of killing you, they kill the love of your life.
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