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Zapowiedź @ Loaded Inc.

Zapowiedź @ Loaded Inc.

Data opublikowania: 13.05.2006, 16:02
Gothic IIIAngielska strona Loaded Inc zamieściła na swoich łamach zapowiedź Gothica III. Poniżej fragment.

Maybe one of the biggest differences from the previous two Gothic titles is the change in your environment. No longer are you confined to the prison island of Khorinis, your Nameless Hero now makes his way to the mainland where the orcs have managed to defeat the King’s army and enslave the humans. Three different areas of the mainland each have their own distinct themes with the harsh, cold Nord lands, lush, green Middle Realm and the unforgiving desert realm. Each promise to have their own cultures and customs, but still link together in some way so that they do not seem completely disjointed. So a pretty nice change in scenery then?

> Zapowiedź @ Loaded Inc


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