In the dungeon displayed today at E3, the action was fast and intense. The walls and floors were very much akin to the dark atmosphere of the Morgue from the beginning of Planescape: Torment (with large scale pools of blood, meat hooks, and body parts strewn everywhere…very cool). The Boss Battle was with a huge, bulbous creature with spider-like limbs that dangled just off the ground. As it turns out, this monstrosity is one of two Bosses in the game which are Familiar Surgeons (whom serve the Overmage). During combat, the creature stitched together several shambling abominations to do its bidding. It continues to do so until you defeat it, at which point it deflates and hovers to the ground onto a pool of blood. Yes, Dungeon Siege II: Broken World is shaping up to be a worthy expansion to the franchise. Expect to see this title later in the year.
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