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Wprowadzenie - Bioware & Pandemic

Wprowadzenie - Bioware & Pandemic

Data opublikowania: 31.03.2006, 15:23
Serwis udostępnił krótkie wprowadzenie dotyczące firm BioWare oraz Pandemic (nazwa serwisu kojarzy się na pierwszy żut oka z czymś zupełnie innym...) Fragment: In November of 2005, major independent game developers Pandemic (Destroy All Humans!, Full Spectrum Warrior) and BioWare (Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: KOTOR) joined forces thanks to funding from controlling entity Elevation Partners, a group which claims ex-EA president John Riccitiello among its members. Though the two developers are not merging, they share common revenue, and a common executive committee. It’s still early on in the process, so not a whole lot has been officially mentioned in the way of collaboration or crossover, but their position as a new superdeveloper is vitally interesting, none the less. I całość pod tym linkiem.


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