While World of Starcraft was the subject of fiction, an unconfirmed report surfaced late today that indicates such a project may indeed soon become a reality. "Schild," one of the proprietors of f13.net, claims to have heard from an associate who was in attendance at a presentation Blizzard Entertainment parent company Vivendi gave "to Wall Street today."
According to Schild, the Vivendi rep told the audience that "All Blizzard franchises will become MMOGs," and the developer-publisher has "a model now to develop an MMOG in three years for $50 million." According to the report, Vivendi's plan is to have two types of MMOGs--"long session games (more than two hours per session) and short session games (less than two hour sessions)." That means that, in theory, a World of Starcraft or Diablo MMOG could be ready as early as 2009, if it was started this year.
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