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Oblivion tylko na PC i Xbox 360

Oblivion tylko na PC i Xbox 360

Data opublikowania: 28.04.2006, 08:53
OblivionNie będzie Obliviona pod PlayStation 3 ani PSP. Tekst z serwisu Jolt.

Bethesda has responded to rumours that the developer is due to bring its million selling The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion to PlayStation 3 and PSP before the end of the year.
Stories appeared across the web yesterday reporting that a supposed Bethesda release list had been leaked, which revealed that Oblivion was in development for both PS3 and PSP. However, according to Bethesda, such talk is nothing but fantasy.

"At present we have no announced plans to bring Oblivion to any platforms other than PC or Xbox 360," the company insisted in a statement released yesterday.


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