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Nowinki o Final Fantasy XIII

Nowinki o Final Fantasy XIII

Data opublikowania: 11.11.2006, 08:51
Serwis IGN opublikował nowe wieści dotyczące nadchodzących na PlayStation 3 gier: Final Fantasy XIII i Final Fantasy Verses XIII. Artykuł bazuje na wywiadzie przeprowadzonym z Motomu Toriyama i Tetsuya Nomura z Square Enix. W rozwinięciu newsa znajdziecie fragment artykułu i link do całości.
...Toriyama, director of FFXIII, commented a bit on the differences between the PS2 and PS3 versions of the game. FFXIII was originally in development for the PS2, but underwent a platform change following May 2005.

There is apparently very little shared between the two versions. The graphical elements that were prepared for the PS2 couldn't be used, explained Toriyama. "The areas that we kept are the Fabula Nova Crystallis world, the pieces of the mythology related to FFXIII, and the character details. On the other hand, the battle and gameplay systems were restarted from scratch when production moved to the PS3."...

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