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Informacje o SpellForce 2

Informacje o SpellForce 2

Data opublikowania: 24.03.2006, 13:53
Serwis internetowy udostępnił kolejne informacje dotyczące nadchodzącej gry SpellForce - połączenia gry RPG i RTS. W artykule czytamy między innymi: There are roughly 1,000 unique items in the game, 100 skills, and 30 levels to be earned for your character. Get him or her up to level 30 -- with 30 skill points earned, so that each level 30 character will be largely unique as you pick 30 of those 100 skills and a full kit of gear from those 1,000 items -- and you can take your character online for the co-op or the up to 3-vs-3 competitive play. Each of the three factions has three races, so the Realm is composed of Elves, Dwarves, and Men; the Clan of Orcs, Barbarians, and Trolls; and the Shadow Pact, Gargoyles, Dark Elves, and Golems. Całość pod tym linkiem.


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